Hey! Is this your first time at Lab? You could receive a scholarship - check out the information about the scholarship (and submit a request and await the outcome BEFORE registering to ensure your scholarship gets applied!) . Click here to go to the scholarship page!

Be prepared for Lab - check out the Wellness Information here. This outlines the requirements for participation for 2024.

We look forward to welcoming all registered participants to Lab in May! If you are interested in becoming a member and are not able to attend Lab this year, please find information here.

Fill your bag with Rec Lab swag!

Did you know you can order some amazing Great Lakes Rec Lab swag (like t-shirts, sweatshirts or reusable bags)? To order any swag you’d like (it will be waiting for your pick up when you arrive at Lab). You will be taken to an external site for ordering. Orders must be submitted by April 30th. For 2024, orders are now open! Click the link to the right to go to the store.

Thanks for visiting!

Registration for the 2024 Great Lakes Rec Lab has now closed. You can reach out to greatlakesreclab@gmail.com to share your interest and get added to a waitlist if a space becomes available.