Make Great Lakes Recreation Leaders Lab your charity of choice
Supporting Great Lakes Rec Lab
Supporting Great Lakes Rec Lab
Through the donation form below, you can make a one-time donation to support Great Lakes Rec Lab (GLRLL). As a volunteer-run organization the support of our community ensures our continued success. We appreciate your support, it’s that simple.
There are many reasons to make GLRLL your charity of choice. By filling out the form below, you could donate to GLRLL in one of the following ways:
In Honor - is someone in your life reaching a milestone or having a celebration? Make a donation in their honor
In Memory - remember a special someone in your life with a posthumous gift in their memory
General - Support GLRLL in general - let the board use your support in the area of greatest need
Are you looking for something different? Perhaps,
you have travel miles that you would donate to support getting session leaders to lab, or
you would like to support an individual’s registration fee for the experience, or
you have another idea!
Please reach out to the volunteer board by email to get information about these opportunities.
Thank you so much.